Happy Tuesday

Sometimes my amazing husband likes to get me what he calls a “Happy Tuesday” gift.  It’s usually something pretty inexpensive and just fun or useful.   Last Friday, he gave me a Seeding Square.  Let’s not get too stuck on trying to figure out the logic of giving a Happy Tuesday gift on Friday. I…

Toy Boxes

No big weaving updates today. The shadow weave scarf is still coming along smoothly, but slowly.  This week I had to take a side path to finish a couple of other projects.  My husband and I have been working over the past year on adopting a set of siblings (girl age 7 and boy age…

Measuring Progress

I have now crossed the 3 foot mark on my Shadow Weave scarf.  It’s coming along quite beautifully.  My edges continue to remain even, with very little draw-in, and as it rolls onto the front beam, the width is remaining very consistent.  I love it when things work out the way I planned! As I…

Tuesday Tools-day: My favorite shuttle

I’m continuing to make progress on the shadow weave scarf.  On days when I get to weave, I can usually put through several inches.  I’m coming up on the 3 foot mark.  It’s cool to see the back beam unrolling and the front of the scarf coming along so nicely. Since, again, the scarf progress…

Toddler plants

Today we moved our mini soil blocks into the larger soil blocks to let them have a bit more space to grow.  In a way, it’s kind of like moving a kid from the crib into the toddler bed.  Here’s a shot of the bigger blocks with the seedlings added.    The nice thing about…


The Shadow Weave scarf is coming along quite nicely, but there really isn’t a huge difference in the photos right now. Instead, you get to see some photos of the little seed starts that are showing some major progress.   We started our seeds using soil blocks.  The mini size soil blocks that you see here…

Floating Selvedges

This week I’m going to talk about floating selvedges.  For my Shadow Weave scarf, I needed to include floating selvedges because it is a twill weaving pattern. A floating selvedge is simply a warp thread (or two) on a side of the weaving piece.  When you warp up the project, these floating selvedges don’t get…


I’m in that stage of weaving right now where the pictures are going to look very similar to each other.  It’s hard to show the progress when you’re in this stage.   Still, I’m moving right along.  This is definitely one of the slower pieces I’ve worked in a while, but I’m really enjoying it….


After weaving the header I was able to get into the fun of weaving the scarf itself.  Of course, I only wove about an inch before I had to stop again and do some hemstitching according to the pattern.  Hemstitching is a neat way to handle a fringed end of a woven project.  The hemstitching…