Building Trust

My daughter has had this wiggly tooth for a little while. It finally got to the point where it was so wiggly that it reminded me of the scene in The Emperor’s New Groove where the little girl could blow her wiggly tooth around in her mouth. It was equally disturbing for us. Ha! Last…

Exercise as a Positive Influence

You may have already seen that I’m training for the Virginia 10 Miler. And you may already know that I’m a slow runner. The good news is that I’m working hard on it. So why bother with training for anything? The fact is, I run because it is an effective way for me to stay…

Setting Big Goals for Myself

Did I tell you that I’m training for a 10-mile road race this fall? Right here in my very own Lynchburg, VA, we have an annual road race called the Virginia 10 Miler. I believe in big goals. When I set big goals for myself, I’m more likely to stick with the training plans. I…

Teaching a Servant Heart

Teaching kids to serve teaches kids to value others. We encourage our kids to serve with a simple reward system.

Building Trust

Trust is something that we tend to take for granted until we lose it. For most families, children have implicit trust in their parents. From conception, a mother’s body provides for the baby’s development. After birth, parents dote on the baby, caring for the child’s needs, providing food, shelter, and love. All of these things…

On making things…

It has been a few years since I last introduced myself. And it has been a few years since I posted regularly. It is time that I change that. Originally, I created this blog as a place to document some of the many crafts that I enjoy. Over time, though, I have grown in my…

Teaching Gratitude

Until we adopted our kids, I never really considered gratitude as something that needed to be taught. My parents instilled gratitude in our lives from the time we were born, so it felt natural to me to be thankful. Going through the adoption process opened my eyes to how gratitude is not intrinsic, and it…

Christmas Cookies and a Snow Day

One of my favorite parts of the holiday season is cookies. Getting snowed in here in Virginia has given me an opportunity to play around a bit more and get excited about some holiday cookies. Today, I decided that we needed some spicy ginger cookies to compliment the cold, snowy weather. When my husband told…

Tapestry doodles

I started working on my tapestry today. When I pulled out my Southwest Weaving yarns, I hadn’t realized that they were two different weights.  The yarns that I received in my Churro Club package are a medium weight, while the yarns I had stashed were rug yarns.   It has been interesting to work with…

And now for something a little bit different…

Since I finished off a couple of scarves recently, I decided that it was time to try something a little bit different.   I’m going to work on a small tapestry.  Talk about different!   Typically I tend to work on more balanced weave structures.  A balanced weave is one where the warp and weft…